Ultrasound Therapy

Ultrasound Therapy
Ultrasound is applied using the head of an ultrasound probe that is placed in direct contact with your skin via a transmission coupling gel.

Therapeutic ultrasound has been shown to cause increases in:
~healing rates
~tissue relaxation
~tissue heating
~local blood flow
~scar tissue breakdown.

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ultrasound treatment

A typical ultrasound treatment will take from 3-5 minutes. In cases where scar tissue breakdown is the goal, this treatment time can be much longer.

The effect of ultrasound via an increase in local blood flow can be used to help reduce local swelling and chronic inflammation, and, according to some studies, promote bone fracture healing.

The most common conditions treated with ultrasound include soft tissue injuries such as tendonitis, non-acute joint swelling and muscle spasm. Most muscle and ligament injuries can benefit from therapeutic ultrasound.